Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to light a candle?

God created the world and decided to pour a magic potion into every creature he created. So he started pouring the magic potion called life.

He started with the trees, He looked at the Trees and said, “Listen, Oh mighty Tree! you have to go to every house on earth and give your fruits in return they will give you water and manure.”

He looked at the Mountains and said, “Listen, Oh mighty Mountain… you have to go around giving your stones and sand and in return after 25 million years you will be given a place to stay forever.”
He went on from one thing to the other and gave them his command

After 25 million years God came down to earth to see how things were going on. Only a few of them were doing things assigned to them, all others were wasting their time doing nothing. God was very upset so he cursed them and made them immovable. The world came to a standstill. There was no life and everyone was suffering. Finally when God's anger subsided, he decided to punish them by making them dependent on each other.

He created Man. He poured life into him and gave him six senses. Now he was very close to God for he could even pour life and take away life at his will. The only thing that separated GOD and HIM was his compassion for his fellow creatures. Man was loutish in his motive and his work was to get the job done and so he would take up every approach. He started using the bulls to pull the cart, the trees to shed its fruits and so on.

One day, after his day’s work he was walking home when saw a boulder. He stood there for some time looking at it and then quietly walked home.

The next morning all the creatures woke up when they heard an ear-piercing noise. All of them rushed out and saw the man hitting the boulder with a hammer. The boulder was screaming in pain…

All the creatures cursed the man and they called him a fool. They were really upset for they could not understand what he was up to; he was madly striking his tool against the rock. All the creatures gathered and decided that only God could save them from this plight. So they finally went to God. God came down and questioned him as to what he was doing, but the man was really busy and so he did not answer GOD.

God got angry and left the place in a huff.

Things went on like this for some years and… everyday creatures saw the man hitting madly at the rock.

Surprisingly there was silence that night and all the creatures were eager to know how the man left the rock for today there was no pleas and screeches from the rock.

The next day all of them rushed to the same place but in front of them stood a beautiful statue. It was carved out beautifully.

God and all the other creatures appreciated man for his effort and love.

God looked at him and asked, “Man, you could have told me that you were doing something for the good of the rock… why didn’t you tell us?”

Man looked at god and replied, “I saw this stone and felt that there was something really special about it. So I decided to hammer it.”

God smiled.

The man smiled and said, “If I had told him that he was special, the rock wouldn't have believed me. He might not see, what I saw in him.

By the time the principal finished the story George had tears in his eyes.

Dawson looked at the kid with compassion and said, “Dear George, when someone reprimands you and hurts you they don't realize that they are in the process of making you. Just like the sculptor who beats the rock to bring out the best your adversities and problems try to bring out the best in you. You should not judge anything while it is in the making… You are in the process of being made… It might hurt but trust me, you are special. Be thankful to them for they are spending time for you and are helping you to come out with the best. Not everyone is criticized. Only people who have something special in them are criticized. Doing something for the sake of appreciation – is called PANDERING, and I don’t think you have to do that. When you are criticized remember one thing.
 “All the worlds’ water cannot sink a ship until it gets in.”

So never let the water in. Do not let the words of criticism and words of depreciation pull you down. They attack you because they cannot attack the idea. Be glad that you have an idea when there are many who have none.”

George went closer to his teacher and said with tears rolling down, “Thank you.”

When George was out of sight Dawson looked at the teacher and said, "Edward, I understand that you wanted to bring out the best in him but realize one thing. When you are lighting a candle you should not try it in out in the open air. The wind will blow out the candle you have lighted and all your effort will go in vain. Take it to a corner where no one sees it being lit. When it’s done you can bring it out.  Here when I say candle I mean a kid, every kid likes to be appreciated in broad daylight but when it comes to criticizing you have to keep it personal for you might blow them off, though you do not intend to. We need to mold and not break, so attack the issue not the person.”

Edward looked at the principal and said, “I understand that my words are valued like the strike on the rock… every strike has its own impact. My intentions were to bring out the best in them for I was sure that they were much more capable but… I was not bothered of the way they took it now I realize that it has its own impact. Hereafter I will be careful for I am here to make them not break them!”   

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